Driving is a daily reality for many, but it comes with risks. In 2021, a concerning 6.10 million motor vehicle accidents occurred nationwide (NHTSA data).
Sadly, an estimated 39,030 lives were lost in traffic crashes in 2023. Let me share with you the most important driving statistics that you need your attention to. 📊
10 Important Driving Statistics: Key Findings
- 6.10 million motor vehicle accidents occurred nationwide in 2021, according to NHTSA data.
- There were estimates of 39,030 people killed in motor vehicle traffic crashes in 2023.
- 1.19 million people die in car accidents annually worldwide—3,260 per day.
- On average, 328,000 drowsy driving crashes occur annually, and 6,400 are fatal, according to a report by AAA Foundation.
- On average, 8.15% of people are killed due to distracted driving.
- On average, distracted driving kills 3,186 people, according to the latest available data from 2019-2021.
- According to the NHTSA, drunk driving accidents are responsible for about 10,000 deaths every year, or about 1/3 of all traffic-related deaths.
- On average, 4,731 fatal crashes involved teen drivers (2012-2021).
- In 2021, speeding accounted for 29% of all traffic fatalities, killing 12,330 people.
- Drunk-driving crashes kill 37 Americans per day, or one every 39 minutes.
Sources: (CrashStats NHTSA, NHTSAT 2023, WHO, National Safety Council, CarJunkya Analysis, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, CarJunkya Analysis (NHTSA), NHTSA, NHTSA Drunk Driving Report)
The Dangerous Reality of Motor Vehicle Accidents

Source: CrashStats NHTSA
Tragic Toll of Traffic Crashes: A Call to Action

Source: NHTSAT 2023
Deadly Consequences of Worldwide Car Accidents

Source: WHO
Drowsy Driving: A Hidden Highway Hazard

Source: National Safety Council
Distracted Driving: A Fatal Choice

Source: CarJunkya Analysis
The Cost of Distracted Driving: Lives Lost

Source: CarJunkya Analysis
Drunk Driving: A Preventable Cause of Death

Source: National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
Teen Drivers: Understanding the Risks

Source: CarJunkya Analysis (NHTSA)
Speed Kills: The Dangers of Reckless Driving

Source: NHTSA
Drunk Driving: One Death is Too Many

Source: NHTSA Drunk Driving Report